A Lot of Hope & A Little Spice
Best Travel Ideas for Your Five senses
These detailed accounts of our footprints through our Itineraries,
the olfactory pyramids of the scents that are closely linked to our memories, the recipes that we have gathered whilst exploring the world through flavours, and most importantly, the communities we have touched and charities we have cooperated with will be the highlight of your travels to come.
A Travel and Philanthropy Blog engaging all your senses.
Photos of Markets from around the world
Hello, we are Timmy, Olivia and Natalie.
We love to combine our travels with philanthropic work and bring home our experiences through recipes we cook and photograph together, essential oil we diffuse, music and relationships we continue to nurture even at a distance.
Determined to provide a similar experience to my own, helping them experience the richness of cultural diversity whilst developing empathy and adapting to the ever-changing global situations of today, I have continued my philanthropic endeavours with my children.
With their active contribution, I thought it would be the perfect time to share our favourite sights, scents, flavours and communities worldwide through this cookbook of memories.
Being charitable doesn't need to be complicated; a simple gesture can be meaningful to the receiver. The success of our South East Asia campaign confirmed to us that we were capable of having an impact and gave us the courage to pursue change on the African continent.
Kenya is a magnificent destination; its parks, reserves, and private conservancies are home to some of its most diverse and abundant wildlife populations and the Masai people.
In African cuisine, most of the flavour comes from spices, meat, grains, and vegetables served as stews alongside humble starchy staples and root vegetables that form the basis of so many homes.
It is challenging to describe Africa in a single scent; imagine the smell of scorched earth, places brimming with people and animals, dust, flowers, and spices. Yet, Africa conveys itself through a fragrance that will forever remain with you.
There are plenty of opportunities for community work in East Africa however with so many opportunities,
Please visit The Ubuntu Family Initiative project page for more details on the organisation we support, the work we have accomplished and that we continue to do.
Stay tuned, Coming Soon !
Inspired from our favourite Cookbooks
From our favourite children's books
South East Asia
With a deep desire to help, we set out on the first of our long journeys as a family, something different, something special. It opened us to a whole new world, with a purpose for those far and beyond.
Southeast Asia had it all, from breathtaking rainforests and endless beaches to civilizations that seemed almost mystical.
Southeast Asian dishes' rich flavors are predicated by spices, herbs, and seasonings. Its food, rich and varied, is a splendid representation of the region's diverse culture and traditions.
Our senses were overwhelmed by a beautiful yet ambiguous scent composed of several smells from the markets combined with the spirituality of incense and the omnipresent perfumes that radiated from spices and sweet flowers, only further emphasised by the intense humidity and heat.
There are plenty of opportunities for community work in South East Asia however with so many opportunities, it's hard to know which can be trusted. Please visit The Ubuntu Family Initiative project page for more details on the organisation we support, the work we have accomplished and that we continue to do.