Our mission is to share our philanthropic story, bringing together tools to unlock the full potential of charitable giving by removing the barriers and by offering comprehensive options, in the hope to engage future generations through positive donor experiences.
We have successfully closed the
#ONECHILD Campaign
for Education in Africa
at BETTER ME in Kisumu Kenya,
for further details regarding the impact of our fundraiser please follow our project page.
You may also wish to read more about our mentoring for impact course and start your own fundraiser.
“Compared to older generations, the world’s young people remain hopeful, much more globally minded, and determined to make the world a better place.
Today’s young people have concerns for the future but see themselves as part of the solution.”
Henrietta Fore, Unicef,
The Changing Childhood Project
New York, 18.11.21.
Photos Courtesy of Unsplash - Abigail Clarke
Meet the Ubuntu Family Initiative Team
Ubuntu is a noun in the Zulu Language that may be translated as the belief that our compassion and kindness towards others defines us.
A life partner, mother to two girls, advocate of global issues and businesswoman,
Determined to provide her children with a similar experience to her own, she founded the Ubuntu Family Initiative, a gateway for her family to each individually pursue the causes they contribute towards through their values, passions and interests.